Nepal/ネパール/ネーパール - Kathmandu/カトゥマンドゥー

Having not felt like staying in Delhi over the holiday, I went to Nepal without a specific plan. My image on Nepal was ‘it is almost a part of India’, but that was quite wrong. Although many things are very common between the countries, Nepal is Nepal, and not India at all!! I stayed in Kathmandu and made day trips to Bhaktapur, Patan and Bouddhanath. 
Darbar or Court area, Kathmandu, some historical building were under repairing after the earthquake.
A number of tourists and pigeons!!
God, Kala Bhairav- known scary but has a happy face :)
Backside of the court area
A temple in the court area 
Wherever I go, I cannot leave without taking a dance photo!! Thank you those who kindly take time to understand what I want in a picture and accept to click for a random traveller loving dance!!
Thamel area of Kathmandu reminded me of Paharganj of Delhi where I had visited 15years ago. Small lanes, many foreign tourists, a number of souvenir shops with their shopkeepers asking where I am from and recommending what I don’t ask for... in short, its very uncomfortable!! 
However, Garden of Dreams and Badur Mahal Revisited were very lovely places to spend time. 

カトゥマンドゥーのタメール(タメル)は、15年前のパハールガンジみたいでした。細い路地、沢山の外国人観光客、多数のお土産屋さんと、出身国を聞いてきたり、他人でないものを勧めてくる店主…つまり非常に不快でした!でも、Garden of DreamsとBader Mahal Revisitedは、素敵な場所でした。

Lovely Yeti, my most wanted souvenir from Nepal!! Displaying him in Delhi gets him dusty, I will not open it until we go back to Tokyo!
Bader Mahal Revisited - very lovely and posh place. No local visitors. I didn’t have a car and couldn’t find a cab(only those who live in Kathmandu with cars and drivers would visit here) but a kind university student, who found me standing at loss, gave me a scooter ride near to the hotel. I sat in the way Indian ladies do to be told not to do that lol The scooter ride reminded me of my university days in Delhi. After a long time, I felt good and warm.
Garden of Dreams
Nepalese Thali

カタック・ダイアリー ♡ Kathak Diary



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