
Bhaktapur is located 30-40min. drive away from Kathumandu. The name of the city literally means ‘city of devotees’, and it has beautiful temples. I didn’t plan to visit the city at all- I got into a random taxi and the driver recommended the city. As I arrived there, I was told it would take three hours to see around, and it really took more than three hours to see this small city and I could spend more time, if it wasn’t that crowded and raining or if I wasn’t alone.

View from the entrance of the historical site.
Some are still under restoration from the damage of the earthquake.
The curve of his neck and head was beautiful.
Simple but pretty place backside of the main heritage complex.
Every couple of blocks has a small temple like this.
Couldn’t have a chance to ask what this closed building was but it was lovely.
Photos cannot really tell the maginificance of the building enough but this was the most attractive one!!
This photo reminds me of Kyoto because of the five-story castle.

カタック・ダイアリー ♡ Kathak Diary



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