ペスト/La Peste

I had been thinking I should read this book since the outbreak but I didn’t as I have Been depressed by daily updates of the COVID 19. And now finally I bought the iBook and finished reading. 
What is surprising is that what we have been seeing now in our life or news is written in the story published in 1947!! This is very shocking. People believe our world had been developed since then with invention of numerous technologies, yet I doubt if the world has really been developed? Of course, the life, if we only think about developed countries, is with stable infrastructure and electric power. All these development was a result of destruction of nature- now we face global warming, unusual climate and disasters, fears of artificial cyber world and the list is so long.

 I think this pandemic is a message from nature to stop to think about the meaning of development. When I think about my childhood, the world looked happier. I remember there were less houses in Tokyo but more natural places to play for kids. We knew our neighbours ‘ names and faces but so many houses have been build over twenty years and we no longer know our neighbours, whose houses were built where once used to be green fields and where we used to play. 

Having not been able to go out from home for months, I miss my friends and family, especially those who are away from us. Travelling abroad was a part of my life but now It seems like an old dream or unimaginable world. I miss whom I was separated from.... In the book, the isolated city experienced the same. Some people finally could reunite but others did not...

People say it will not last forever but if we do not take actions to stop the spread, it shall not stop forever. Vaccine invention is skeptical and sounds unsafe. Wake up politicians and take wise decisions and policies! What I can do for now is to save my family, others and myself from the virus and alarm those who are careless or who do not take this issue seriously. My hope of life is to see everyone in person normally without the fear of virus. Until then, I hope and pray everyone be safe and no lives wasted.

カタック・ダイアリー ♡ Kathak Diary



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